PITi peta hofen show
Full of humour, madness and secret techniques never before seen by a human audience.
45 minutes | all public | outdoor and indoor (light technical requirements).
3 countries, 3 jugglers, 3 objects for extreme poetry*. 3 characters in an absurd world of incoherent logic, where comedy reigns and juggling is the mother tongue. This show delivers smiles and great moments of happiness wherever it goes.
It lights up the darkness, guides us along the right path, cleans up the street litter and helps Pacha Mama breathe in the oxygen of art.
- Do you hear that? It's the heart of planet Earth beating to the rhythm of PITI PETA HOFEN
*A style of writing and dramaturgy in which the notions of improvisation and performance mingle with a dimension of creative chaos.
Lucas Castelo Branco, Johannes Bauhofer & Andres Torres Diaz
"The most noteworthy of the invitational shows was Compagnie LPM's "Piti Peta Hofen," so stunningly creative and so ruthlessly high-energy - described by many as "a 45-minute manic episode" - that the audience couldn't help but release a minute-long ovation right in the middle of the show " Richard Hartnell - Review European Juggling Convention 2017
Our awards :
FITT 2019 _ Audience Award
FITT 2019 _ Best Performer Award
ARCA 2021 _ Jury Prize
ARCA 2021 _ Children's Jury Prize